Show Your Pride- A Day at the Parade

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The sun began to rise steadily as the day began. The bright rays from the morning peeked up over, and through, the window of this particular Chowlings home. Within the confines of the home, the Chowling began to stir as the sun hit him. With a grumble, he opened one eye and peered around his room. Mornings were definitely not his favorite. Even this fine morning. As he began to sit up, his blanket fell off him. Revealing the stunning silver-blue coat. The beginnings of a yawn, cut off by a sudden yelp as a pounding noise came from his door.

“Ugh, Come on Fei Lian, get up already!” Star-like eyes widened as he recognized this voice. How on earth was Soara here this early?! That little kitsune chow certainly must not sleep. “Fei, It’s time to go, we are gunna miss all the fun! Wake…UP!”
As Soara was about to release another round of beatings on fei Lians’ poor door, the grumbly Chowling slide it open in a hurry. Afraid Soara may break his poor door. “Soara! It’s the crack of dawn, certainly the events haven’t even begun yet!”
Soara swept into the room, their pinkish fur breaking away in little areas. Almost see-through in other areas. “Wrong! I went through town! They have already set up, there are others there already! Come on! Let’s go get breakfast. I want to get their Rainbow pancakes!” Bowing down, Soara gave their best pouty eyes.
Unbothered by this little Chowlings attempts, Fei sat down and watched for a few moments. Soara drew closer, closer, setting their paws on Fei Lians own. A small whimper escaping from the creature. With a sigh; “Fine, we shall go. But you have to stop acting like a child. You’re far too old to be begging like this.” 

The chowlings three tails wagged excitedly. “Thank you, Thank you! Come on, let’s goooo!” They spoke in an excited tone, Tugging Fei Lian along towards the door. He had just enough time to snatch his hair band and little shawl before being pulled through the open door




By the time the two arrived, the events and stalls were on their finishing touches. Some were already even open! Flags of all sorts, sizes, shapes, flew from the lamp posts. In between each unique flag, sat a rainbow flag. Turning his eyes back to the stalls, Fei Lian noticed some carried smaller flags. Items to be purchased in order to show love and support, or even your own, colors. Soara was already running to and from stalls, exclaiming at their selection of items. Though each stall was their own little haven, there were others that were for select individuals. 

Stalls ranged from straight pride, bi-sexual, asexual, demisexual, and more. As his gaze traveled around the event, taking in the sights and people. He observed that many other Chowlings sported their own colors too. Others that were there to show their support sported the rainbow. Some had even dyed their hair to match. As they walked through the crowded streets, Soara would stop occasionally to view a stall. Picking up various items like keychains, or little stuffed animals that were colored in rainbows. Others colored in other prideful colors.
It wasn’t long until Soara had bought several items. Placing bows in their fur to show their pride. The two bows were both pink and royal blue with an overlapping purple stripe in the center. Draped around their neck was a necklace that sported the same colors to show they were bi-sexual. Around their shoulders sat a Rainbow colored shawl. Further up the street, Soara had found a little face painting stall. 


“Oh! Come on! Let’s get our faces done!” They exclaimed with excitement. Pulling Fei Lian along with them towards the little stall tucked between a stall filled with a Rainbow assortment. The other held items colored with the black, grey, and white colors of the Demisexual flag. 

“Alright, alright. I’m coming!” Fei tagged behind the pink hued Chow. 

“What are you going to get?” Soara asked as they looked over the choices on the stall door. “I think I want to get my whole face done! This one please!” They pointed at the bi flag colors and took one of the two seats.
Looking back over the selection, Fei pointed at the rainbow. Though he was straight, he supported his friend. Even if they were much too full of energy. “This one, Across the eyes please.” Fei then took the seat opposite of Soara. 

By the time the two had finished getting their faces painted, the event was well underway. The streets were now bustling with a rainbow of colors. Different flags that showed everyone's colors, and support. Sparklers waved, and confetti floated about in the crowds. The two had paused along their walk, now covered in dustings of rainbows, bisexual, pansexual, Poly, and many more different support colors. They had found a cotton candy stall, and wanted a bit of a snack.
Soara had gone with their support of bisexuality. Having found a way to color their candy in colors of pink and royal blue with an overlapping purple stripe in the center. Fei Lian had chosen a rainbow. They eat the sugary sweet on their way to the main road. That was where parades were happening. They could see the tops of the floats. The tops of different balloons that sported different flag colors.
As they entered the main road, their eyes grew wide. The music was louder here than anywhere else they had been. Confetti seemed to rain from out of the sky as dancers flung colored powders in the air at various intervals. The rainbow of sparkles mixed in would surely remain in the coats of Chowlings throughout the month of Pride. Various Dragon danced in the sky, seemingly the ones releasing the rainbows of confetti. Some even had flags tied to their tails and billowing behind them amongst the balloons that represented each group of individuals.

“Got it!” Soara chuckled, as they snached a smaller flag that’d been released from the flying dragon chows. Stretching it out, they tossed it across Fei Lians shoulders. “For you!”
Lifting a paw to examine the sheer material, Fei gave his friend a small smile. “Thank you!”

They turned their gazes back to the parade at hand. This one is coming to its end. The sun was now setting in the distance. As it did the events continued on. The lights are now turning on in the streets. They had replaced some of the fire torches with magicked ones that would spark and sparkle. Using a mixture of materials in order to obtain different colors to mark the Month of Pride. Stalls had put out lanterns, the paper materials used to create rainbows, and represent each flag in turn as well. 

Still many chows were flocking the streets, some making their way back home. For others, the event would continue well into the night. As the two friends made their way back to Fei Lians little pagoda, Soara promised him that they’d have fun the next day as well before heading back to their little temple in the mountains. 

As he entered his home, he pulled the flag Soara had caught him off his shoulders. He looked around his home, unsure where to put this little treasure that had been given to him. In the end, he chose to hand it by his front door. A warm welcome to everyone, no matter whom they chose to love. 

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Show Your Pride- A Day at the Parade
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In Limited Prompts ・ By Snoodle-TeaContent Warning: Language

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Submitted By Snoodle-Tea for Show your Pride!View Favorites
Submitted: 3 months agoLast Updated: 3 months ago

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