Submission (#1273) Approved

26 October 2022, 09:36:33 CEST (1 year ago)
30 October 2022, 04:59:30 CET (1 year ago) by Green
Loud crashes and yelling could be heard from all around, flames violently covering ground around Nyra. She was sitting impatiently, honestly feeling a little bit bored. There were many chowlings fighting the now twice angry Chimera, but she just liked watching them. She honestly thought they were pretty cool looking. Although, it looked a lot cooler when all three heads were functioning. A big blast of fire shot at the ground next to her, and she lifted a paw to poke at it. Luckily, Prosciutto snatched her away and gave her an angry boop on the head. He had been working hard with the other spirits, putting out the flames before they could reach the non- fighting Chowlings.
He looked at her with exasperation in his eyes “are you nuts?”, Prosciutto asked, rolling his eyes at Nyra.
While Nyra had been laying around and being extremely unhelpful, he was exhausted from all the running around as they tried to defeat the giant Chimera. With his knives jangling from his side and a bucket of water in hand, he had done his best to put as much fires out as possible. Once the Chimera’s two heads had fallen, it seemed way stronger, not weaker. He thought this to be slightly terrifying, but he tried not to let it show. Nyra seemed completely unfazed, and he tried his best to act the same.
“You know you could help! You could do some real damage with your venom if you actually tried.” Prosciutto booped her in the face again.
Nyra scoffed and shook her head, her jesters ruff dangling as she did. “Why would I want to do that? They look so cool!”
He just sighed and turned around as another Chowling yelled out for help putting out yet another fire. “Suit yourself!” He checked that his bucket had a little bit of water left, then ran over to the flames. He winced a bit at the hot feeling before dumping what remained of his bucket. Hot steam rolled into his face and he coughed at the gross taste and burn in his eyes. Sighing again, he turned and ran over to the river where other spirits were filling up buckets full of water. As he reached for the stream, the ground shook again as the Chimera stomped around, causing him to trip and stumble. Prosciutto cursed as he dropped the bucket and it rolled downhill, to the front of the battle. He gulped nervously, but the Chimera still looked to be occupied by other fighters. He hurried towards the direction of the bucket and the monster, praying to the spirits he would be fine.
Nyra had her full attention on the Chimera in a fascination. She wished she had three heads. Suddenly, she heard a loud yelp from the.. Chimera? That sounded more like Prosciutto, not a giant monster Chowling. She got up and started walking closer to the main battle, no longer seeing dragon and fighter spirits running around the Chimera. Oh no, it was Prosciutto! She gasped. While she had no problem endangering herself, seeing a friend in danger gave her a weird, almost nauseating feeling. It was… yucky to say the least.
Prosciutto was crouched in front of the Chimera, as it opening its mouth and roared, most likely a warning they were about to shoot flames.
Nyra jumped forward without thinking, and lunged at the paws of the monster. She opened her large jaws and just bit down as hard as she could, trying her best to pump venom into the beast. It let out a wail and turned away from Prosciutto, shaking and stomping in an attempt to shake her off. The jester brought her sharp tail around and repeatedly stabbed it into their flesh as well, hanging on for dear life. Nyra felt herself loosing grip and tried to grab on with her paws, but to no avail. She was flung away, landing in the dirt some yards away and rolling before she bounced back to her feet. She was slightly aware of a presence next to her, saying something that sounded urgent. The only real thing she could feel was the adrenaline coursing through her though. Turning to the right, her eyes came into focus again and she saw her friend, alive and well.
“Are you okay? You didn’t have to do that! Well thank you for doing that but like it wasn’t necessary, like im not trying to act ungrateful but-” Nyra put her paw directly over Prosciuttos entire face. “Please stop talking, I beg of you.”
He nodded with a smile on his face. He was honestly just glad Nyra wasn’t completely cold- hearted and indifferent to the terror that the Chimera was causing. The ground trembled underneath them as he clung to his dirty bucket, trying not to shake. He winced as he watched them chase after another Chowling, fire spewing everywhere once again and causing lots of yelling and spirits frantically running around. He gave Nyra a quick hug, relishing in the annoyed noise she made, and then ran off to go help.
Nyra tried not to jump out of her own skin as he hugged her, slightly disgusted at her friends contact. She was glad he was safe though. As he ran off, she turned to face the Chimera again. They certainly were cool- looking, but honestly it seemed more cool to fight them. She showed off a toothy grin as she ran back over to the fight, her bells jangling.

The end!!

For now :))
Thumbnail for Prosciutto


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Jester Demon

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