Submission (#1309) Approved

7 November 2022, 07:51:31 CET (1 year ago)
8 November 2022, 06:30:33 CET (1 year ago) by Green
After watching all the chows fight the chimera, Mako was scared. She saw so many end up hurt and risk their lives just for this one battle. She stood near her friends giving them nervous looks, Kailani the turtle chow gave her a slight smile. Mako took it as a sweet gesture, looking back at the chimera then back at her friends. She couldn’t stand by and wanted to protect her friends. Mako has no powers, just her teeth and a love for all her friends. She looked back at Angie and told her to take care of Kailani. Mako looked at Jun and they both nodded in agreement. The two shark chows soon began devising a plan. They were going to sneak behind the chimera and bite the back of his legs. Hopefully as a distraction or to even try and take his ankles out. (Yes. Ankle biters.) Mako and Jun smiled at each other and set off, sending one final glance and Angie and Kailani. The trek though rocks, fire and blood was gut wrenching. Mako was nervous, she had never had to do something like this. She hated fire, yet was fascinated by how they were blue. Mako and Jun kept going, looking back at each other periodically. They both were sweating from the heat. They were both aquatic, they weren’t used to these surroundings. After what felt like hours, they were close enough to start sneaking towards the chimera. They both took one final glance and smiled at each other. They didn’t expect much, but we’re ready to put in their all. Mako smiled looking at the chimera, more off a nervous smile. She then got lower and closer to the ground sneaking towards the chimera. It was distracted by the other Chowlings attacking it. After realizing both her and Jun were in position then both slapped their shark tails against the ground, leaped at the ankles of the chimera and bit down as hard as they could. They both have many teeth and very sharp teeth, cutting against the legs of the chimera they pulled and bit it harder. The chimera reared up in pain kicking Mako off. The distraction worked. As the chimera reared up in pain other chowlings began attacking its weak points. Jun had noticed how Mako had gotten thrown, he rushed over to her to see her in pain laying on the ground. She smiled up at him, “look, I was brave! We helped” she cringed in pain as she tried to get up. “Just lay down, we will let the others take care of this, we did the best we could.” Jun reassured her. The two sat and watched as their fellow chowlings started beating down on the chimera. They were happy they both tried their best. Mako thought about Angie and Kailani how they were both going to be safe. Speak of the devil! Kailani and Angie both snuck down behind them, Kailani started to slowly tend to Makos wounds, Angie to Juns. Mako was so happy to see her friends, and she was so grateful for them. Hopefully all of this effort is worth it and the chimera gets taken out! They continued to watch the battle commence.