Submission (#1310) Approved

7 November 2022, 13:55:43 CET (1 year ago)
9 November 2022, 05:20:13 CET (1 year ago) by Green
The chimera was finally slowing down.

Io had been on the front battlefield for a couple of days now, and the endless supply of sprites hammering at it seemed as if it were finally doing something. The translucent chowling was so relieved. Although she wasn't even one of the ones fighting, she was exhausted from trying to help out.

She had went back and forth from helping take care of the injured sprites and putting out fires. Right now she was helping with the fires, watching in awe as the chowlings effortlessly fought the chimera. The flying sprites always encaptured her attention. She was so jealous of being able to soar through the sky like that.

The purple chowling had the same bucket she was originally given with her, and she felt an emotional attachment to it at this point. Io plopped it in the river and pulled, filling it halfway before dragging it back onto the riverbed. Her body was sore and unused to this much work, but she lifted it and walked back torwards the heat of the battle.

As the chimera tired, their fire shot closer and closer to them, and she was now working a mere football fields length away from the monster. It was terrifying, yet exhilarating at the same time. Her anxiety was definitely there pointing out all the things that coukd go wrong but she tried her best to ignore it. Gulping, she headed torwards a little burning bush that was a decent ways away from the chimera. No one seemed to be there attending to it yet.

Io stopped in front of it, squinting through her eyes at the bright orange, before tossing the bucket of water onto the flames. Grey smoke swirled into the air, and she coughed, jumping backwards with her bucket in hand as the smoke burned her eyes a bit. "Yuck!". She groaned, blinking her eyes open and closed in an attempt to get the smoke out. Everything was blurry and she was having trouble seeing. She waved a paw in front of her and only saw a purple blur. Dammit. She would have to go rinse her eyes out.

Io stepped backwards when suddenly the ground underneath her shook, causing her to crouch near the ground and attempt to look around. Her eyes only caught blurred colors, and swirls. A pale large tree was in front of her, one that she had not noticed before. Io squinted harder, trying to comprehend what it was. Unfortunately her answer came sooner than latter, as another pale object moved and landed in front of her. It was accompanied by the sound of shouting, and then growling.

"Oh shit…" she said, realizing it was the chimera. The sprite was unable to see where she was going, and was much too afraid to move, so she closed her eyes and crouched, willing herself to be hidden and unseen.

All she heard was more loud shouting, sounding confused this time, and the roaring of a monster chowling that could no longer see where it was going. Io carefully opened her eyes again, and while her vision was still blurry, she could feel a heavy fog creeping in, obscuring her from the chimera. Did she do that? It would have to be for another time to figure out. She sprinted in the direction that she thought safety was in, hoping that she wouldn’t run into anything in the deep fog.

With a tumble, she tripped and rolled, splashing straight into the river. A few other sprites were there, and she ran over, relieved. "The chimera cant see, its trapped in the fog!". She yelled, before dunking her face underwater and rubbing her eyes vigorously.

When she came back up for air, she could almost see perfect again, and the sprites were grabbing weapons, getting ready to go defeat the monster. One of them nodded at her, before flying into the air, the others shortly behind.

Io sighed and sat down in the river, looking back at the fog from where she came. She hoped that the battle would be over very soon.
Thumbnail for Jello Snake

Jello Snake

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