Submission (#1608) Approved

22 February 2023, 17:15:52 CET (1 year ago)
4 March 2023, 10:20:54 CET (1 year ago) by Green
a two part series! i was focused on the idea of what if a chow's tunnel of love was that of self love!

Seated in a boat, Leech awoke to suddenly being in this boat. Weird right? well. whatever it wasn't going to bother him... It was carrying on it's merry way as he looked around himself noting that he was sitting in a large elongated tunnel that seemed to have no end. He huffed a bit before climbing up to the boat's front and climbing up the large serpent head that was standing on the front of it. Sitting on it, he looked here and there frustratedly before blowing out air "Where even am i...? What is this?? Hell???" He mused aloud though flinched in shock as lights illuminated before him causing him to shield his eyes "WHAT-! TURN THAT OFF!!! YER GONNA BLIND SOMEONE!!! ME!!!" He yelled out in anger though as the light faded he uncovered his eyes to see everything had transformed before him as he now was going through a tunnel of pictures of himself as he stared back at himself. weird. though he furrowed his brows before rubbing his chin and tilting his head seemingly admiring the view around him "Now that's a good looking chow I have to say..." He maneuvered to climb down back into the safety of the boat as more pictures of himself and even statues were now appearing as trumpets blared in sounding effect. Leech watched in smugness at the utter royalty his image seemed to be generating and nodded "That's more like it! after all a picture of me is better than anything else hm~" He sat himself down and carefully closed his eyes humming as a song began blaring aloud 'oh leech! great leech!! the greatest there is and will be! what would we be without you! great leech!' Leech felt his smug pride start exceedingly grow bigger and bigger though as he reached the end of the tunnel his eyes snapped open at the sound of words "We now crown the oh great leech!" He launched out the boat as it came to a royal red carpet eagerly speaking "Now were talking!!" He beamed before prancing along it and reaching a large throne that had details of his face all over. climbing into the throne, he noted a crown appearing on his head and twirled a staff that had shown in his hands "The true kings here now! Loyal servants should bow before me!~"
Thumbnail for Freshwater Leech

Freshwater Leech

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