<a href="https://chowlings.com/world/items/376" class="display-item">Account bound Chowling Ticket</a>

Account bound Chowling Ticket

Category: Chowlings


Accound bound Chowling make your own slots

This MYO slot is bound to the users account until a design has been made, once the design is made the design will be on transfer cooldown for one full month. Afterwards the Chowling may be traded or gifted (or sold if any commissions have been added).
These make your own slots allow you to make regular Chowlings without a Lineage, but you may add a Lineage to them by using a Lineage Heritage Statue.

These MYO slots cannot be sold, traded or gifted until made. Keep in mind once you pick a theme it will be permanent.

Chowling MYO Info