

Visual Trait Index


Designing your Chowling comes with some guidelines and rules, make sure to read through this complete guide before you start designing. Chowlings are a luxury species within the SpriteFestival universe and can only be made with a Chowling ticket. These tickets can be bought from the SpriteFestival staff or through our character slot shop. These tickets can't be sold until they are made into official designs, please make sure to check your characters value when selling however.

Chowlings their designs are based on themes, themes define their designs and how it will look like when finalised. When you obtain a Chowling ticket you have to pick a theme for it before you start designing it (as this will be logged on the website officially as well) Our theme system does not have any limits and you can pretty much go wild as long as it stays withing PG guidelines (Themes that are to long or uncanny might not be approved, we still hold the rights to refuse themes within reason) . There can't be multiple chowlings with the same theme so we track themes through our masterlist, you can look up themes in the navigation bar. Any to be made themes can be found here. we do not allow different namings and languages of the same themes such as leopard gecko and eublepharis macularius but we do allow different varations of similiar themes such as: Leopard gecko, blizzard leopard gecko, mack snow leopard gecko, black night leopard gecko etc. As long as the designs can be kept apart). 

Once you’ve thought of a theme you’d like to claim, and you’ve made sure it’s not already on the Theme Masterlist, you have to get your theme approved. To do this, just send a message through our website (here) you can add your choice of theme to the comments and ownership of make your own ticket in the URL section. Once the theme is approved you can claim it through your MYO slot. To officially claim it you'll have to open your MYO slots Masterlist entry and click on the 'Reserve theme' option on the left. There you can input your desired theme that was approved by the moderators and claim it! The site will automatically update your MYO slot to display the theme and it will be locked in for your MYO slot. (After your theme has been approved and locked in, you can no longer trade the slot. Please be 100% sure of your theme before claiming it!). There is no time limit to claiming your theme.


ticket information and additional buffs

We only sell common chowling tickets in our shops and on our social media's, meaning you can only make a chowling following the species it's standard anatomy. You can obtain a lineage heritage statue however to add to your ticket, heritage slots grant your character a lineage which alters the standard look of your character and gives them some additional buffs in our future webgame, our lineage pages explain everything from the game effect (w.i.p), to their powers and the differences in anatomy between standard and lineage characters, so if you obtained one of these statues make sure to read up on the lineage pages first before you start designing. Lineage statues are rare and hard to get but are not needed at all for your character, if you have on however and want to add it to your ticket make sure to add it from your inventory when getting the design approved. If you want to add a statue to an existing character you have to add it to a redesign.



If you are designing a Chowling (either using a MYO or a redesign) and that Chowling’s design is based off an OC or design that you own, then the new Chowling is considered to be a character transfer. What does this mean? In the case of a character transfer, the old character and design are “bound” to the Chowling. If you later decide to trade or sell this Chowling, then the old character and its design will also be traded/sold along with it. These rules are in place to make sure that new owners of a Chowling always receive all of the Chow's previous designs. It also prevents owners from selectively detaching designs they like, keeping them, and then selling the Chowling again.

For clarity’s sake, we’ll provide an example. Let’s say that Person A owns a hypothetical character design—we’ll call him Maple the maple leaf cat. Person A either obtains a MYO slot or redesigns a pre-existing Chowling. They either base the design off of Maple’s design, or intend this new Chowling to be a “Chow version” of Maple. The original character of Maple is therefore bound to this new Chowling. Later, Person A wants to sell this Chowling to Person B. If they do so, Person B would receive both the Chowling and Maple the maple leaf cat, as the two are considered to be bound together.

If you do not wish for the original character to be traded or sold along with its associated Chowling, your only option is to void the Chowling. For this reason, we encourage you to think very carefully before converting your previously owned characters or designs into Chowlings. Please also note that this term only applies to Chowlings made from a design that you own—for example, if you made a Chowling whose design was loosely inspired by Pikachu, that would not count as a character transfer, as you did not own or create the original design.


COLORS and tails

These guidelines are currently being revamped to give some more wiggle room when it comes to artistic liberty, so stay tuned for an update.



Read up on traits here, each entry explains what each individual trait does and how it's displayed, to purchase or obtain items please refer to our shop or win them in our events. There are a couple attributes in chowlings that does not require trait items at all that are stated here below, make sure the traits you use do not breach into lineage exclusive territory (as these designs will be disapproved) we also highly discourage to try and mimick the lineage traits.

Free range traits (does not need an item)


  • Eye shape and color; we are not strict when it comes down to the colors or shapes of eyes; outside of pigment mutations we allow any color and shape. Pigment mutations affect eyes in animals, for example; a character with albinism would have fully pink or a light rose eyes (sclera, iris, and pupil) and a character with melanism would have eyes that are fully dark (edging to black) - these are the only eye color restrictions.
  • Scars, disabilities, missing limbs, body types, gender and sex are free-range traits, we allow anything as long as it's respectable and nothing offensive or fetishized. Sexuality and gender are also free to be changed within the species (this includes trans identites, asexuality and polygamy) we have some of these details on character's pages and they can freely be edited by members from the editing panel on your character's profile.
  • Hair length or style; SpriteFestival species can have any kind of hairstyle, it doesn't need to match with their coat type at all and it can be any length. (or no hair at all) Fur and hair don't equal each other and if you want a different coat style for your character you are gonna need a coat trait, coat traits change the type, texture, and length of your character's coat.
  • Accessories are a free range topic, you can dress up your chowling the way you want. The only two limitations we have for accessories are costumes and in-game gear; costumes cannot be applied freely (click the hyperlink if you want to find out more about costumes) neither can in-game gear. While costumes are solely cosmetic "collectibles" in game gear has a real effect on the character (click the hyperlink if you want to find out more about gear) and needs to be bought just like costumes. any non-game affecting accessories outside of costumes can be freely added however (think of charms, bracelets, necklaces, piercings, scarves, bandanas etc.)

To get your design approved you have to send it to us, the "update design" button is located in the navigation bar on the left on your characters masterlist entry, when you click it you will be asked to fill out a form, make sure to add all traits you need and also add the items from your inventory that you will be using.




Robuprawns are in the process of being voided as an obtainable species due to their strong similarity to Chowlings. Fear not, anyone who has a robu can keep them as they are no matter what happens as it is your character. We will be offering alternatives to people who wish to change their robuprawn to one of our future pet grade or mount species. More updates about this soon!



Designing a familiar isn't restrictive and they can look about anything, just make sure you follow the guidelines when it comes to the size of your familiar as this tends to vary per familiar type. In order to be able to design a familiar, you need to get a familiar ticket which can be bought in the character slot shop. Once you have your familiar ticket, you can select it from your inventory and "use" the slot, this should make the slot and put it under your MYO slots.

Design guidelines

  • We allow gore, creepy and horror designs but these designs will be flagged on the site.
  • Make sure the familiar looks alive, even if it's based on an object.
  • NO human familiars unless its like a doll, wooden figure etc. Familiars are pets.
  • Please do not turn chowlings/ chowling look alikes into familiars.
  • Outside of humans, any creature is fine for inspiration.
  • You can make your familiar similiar to your character but keep in mind they are bound together and if one is voided they will stick together and cannot be sold apart on our website.
  • No sexual or inappropiate designs. These creatures are pets and we do not condone making designs like this for a pet, animal-like creature.
  • Be creative! You can take inspiration from other designs but the more unique the better.

If you are uncertain about your design send it in eitherway through the design submission feature on your familiar ticket, if anything is wrong a moderator will send back the design with a comment. When submitting your MYO make sure to link the character you want to bind your familiar to, familiars MUST be bound to another character and cannot be bound to another familiar



Humans are a big part of the spritefestival universe as it's hosted on an alternative version of earth. Humans play quite a role in what happens on earth. stuff that even involves spirits because humans here can take on small magical abilities just like spirits. they can learn these abilities from spirits willing to teach them, and hone their skills to help and fight alongside spirits to keep harmful species at bay (spirits that are destructive or aggressive tend to cause a lot more trouble than good and often get out of control) humans and spirits tend to have a tight bond with another even though they are different species, they can still learn a lot from another, taking on each other's customs. Because humans play a role in this universe we decided to add our own version of humanity as a species for our community to create, while they will be almost exactly the same as standard earth humans they will still have their special tidbits so they can keep up with the spirit world they live and participate in.



Visual Trait Index


Avilets are an ancient spirit species that vanished for years, they were thought to be extinct, leaving no traces behind but their builds and some objects that represented them. However, Avilets started reappearing after being gone for years with quite large numbers but most of them had no memory from the time of their disappearance nor how they disappeared in the first place, this raised a lot of questions as to how a whole civilization could vanish and appear again out of nowhere. Avilets their return is rather recent and we don’t have much information about them yet outside of some small tidbits, but research is being done on the species and their history. Perhaps, someday we'll know more about their disappearance and what caused it as well.

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