
Dragon (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Dragon lineage is deeply rooted in the ancient bloodline of dragons, with each spirit in this lineage carrying the legacy of their powerful ancestors. Though true dragons are nearly extinct—with only one remaining—their influence lives on through the Dragon Chowlings. These spirits inherit distinctive abilities and traits from their dragon heritage, making them a rare and formidable lineage.

What sets Dragon Chowlings apart is their strict connection to their theme—only those with dragon-related attributes and symbolism may claim the prestigious title of "Dragon." This lineage requires a direct link to dragon ancestry, making it a sacred and highly respected designation among Chowlings.

Dragon Attributes
  • Elongated Torso
  • Spur
  • Levitation
  • Dragon Mane (Optional)

Dragon spurs are medium-sized, sharp nails located on the thumb of Dragon Chowlings, serving as their primary tool for self-defense. Unlike the bulkier and stronger lineages, Dragons tend to be more physically frail, owing to their elongated spines and lighter build. These spurs compensate for their lack of physical strength.


Dragon Chowlings have deep ties to royalty and leadership. These noble spirits were often seen as symbols of wealth, fortune, and wisdom, known for their cleverness and ability to bring prosperity to the kingdoms they ruled. Their reigns were marked by strong alliances with Fighter Chowlings, who frequently served under their leadership. This powerful combination of Dragon intellect and Fighter strength created a formidable duo, ideal for both governing and defending a kingdom.

Whilst many Dragon Chowlings were benevolent rulers, guiding their realms with fairness and wisdom, some became corrupted by their power, using their influence for darker, more self-serving purposes. This duality in their history has tainted the view of the Dragon lineage in modern eras, and their reputation can precede them.

Fighter (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Fighter lineage of Chowlings was forged in the ancient conflicts—when the balance between realms wavered and warriors were summoned to defend the sacred lands. Born in the fires of the medieval era, these fierce and noble spirits once clashed with rivals, guarding their territories with unyielding might. Now, when the need for such battles has faded, the modern Fighters channel their ancestral strength into new arenas—whether in the thrill of competitive sports, the artistry of skilful hobbies, or the vigilant protection of those they cherish.
Their warrior spirit endures, ever watchful, ever ready.

Fighter Attributes
  • Clawed Dominant Hand
  • Weapon (Optional)
  • Mask (Optional)
  • Tattoos (Optional)

In addition to their finely honed combat techniques and sharpened claws, Fighters wield weapons carefully chosen to complement their physical attributes and fighting styles.
Heavier, more robust Chowlings may favor large, formidable weapons, while their more agile counterparts opt for lighter, swifter arms


These weapons are not merely tools of combat but extensions of the Fighters' spirits, seamlessly integrated into their techniques.
However, it is important to note that not all Fighters engage in direct combat; many utilize their weapons for other non-combative purposes such as ceremonial or traditional reasons.

Fighters of the Chowling species possess a unique, spirit-driven combat methodology, deeply rooted in their connection to the natural world.
Each Fighter's martial discipline is symbolized by the mask they don, which reflects not only their identity but also the specific combat style they have mastered.

These masks serve as emblems of a Fighter's animal muse—through extensive observation and mimicry, they embody the movement, behavior, and strategies of these creatures in battle.
For example, a Chowling bearing a snake mask exemplifies stealth and precision, while a lion mask signifies boldness and brute strength. A crane mask denotes balance and grace, and a pig mask reflects a reliance on size and defensive prowess.

Fighter tattoos are powerful symbols of a Chowling's journey. As Fighters grow and improve their skills, their tattoos can change, marking important milestones in their development. These tattoos are both a reflection of their strength and a reminder of their personal and martial achievements.

Marionette (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Marionette lineage is often regarded as a ghostly lineage due to its deep connection with the realm of death. These enigmatic spirits are entrusted with the sacred task of guiding souls to the afterlife, acting as gentle shepherds for the deceased.


Despite their eerie and spectral nature, Marionettes are, at their core, peaceful beings. Their presence, though unsettling to some, symbolizes the quiet, compassionate care of souls transitioning from one realm to the next.

Marionette Attributes
  • Wisp Coat
  • Spirit Trinket
Wisp Coat

The Wisp Coat of a Marionette has a unique texture that shifts from tangible to ethereal.

At the base, the fur feels soft and solid to the touch, offering a sensation similar to fine silk or velvet. However, as you move toward the tips of the fur, it becomes increasingly translucent, and the texture changes to that of cool fog.


The tips are intangible—your hand will pass right through, unable to grasp them. Only the base of the coat, near the body, can be felt by bare hands, while the more spectral fur remains untouchable.

Spirit Trinket

Each Marionette possesses a unique trinket that holds the souls they guide, glowing faintly and often leaving a wispy trail as the Marionette moves.

Traditionally, these trinkets took the form of lanterns, but over time they have expanded to include a variety of meaningful items such as crystals, bells, jewelry, charms, toys, and more.


These trinkets are not given through any special ritual but are chosen by each Marionette based on personal experiences or significant life events. The Marionettes have the innate ability to convert their chosen item into a vessel capable of carrying souls.


Occasionally, a Marionette may choose to change its trinket—perhaps due to damage When switching trinkets, they can transfer any souls from the old vessel to the new one. However, souls that remain in a trinket for too long without proper guidance will eventually dim and fade, slowly dying out over time.

Monster (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Monster lineage, despite its ominous name, is a lineage of formidable protectors. These powerful, burly spirits possess immense physical strength, unmatched by any other Chowling.
Their true potential is realized in their ability to transform into an alternate state known as the “Berserker,” a form that unleashes their peak power.

Though their name may inspire fear, it is a reflection of their extraordinary might, not their nature. Monsters are revered as guardians, using their overwhelming strength to shield and defend, embodying both ferocity and protection in equal measure.

Monster Attributes
  • Long, non-retractable claws on each paw
  • Berserker form
  • Larger than average size (Large dog)
Berserker Forms

Monsters are most known for their powerful berserker forms, a larger version of their original Chowling design. While the transformation enhances their strength and may alter certain physical features, the core essence of their appearance remains recognizable.

Each berserker form is unique to the individual, reflecting their persona, yet all share a common theme of amplified power and presence. Though these forms vary from Chowling to Chowling, the berserker transformation consistently embodies the raw, unmatched strength that defines the Monster lineage.

Guidelines for Berserker Forms:
  • Berserker forms MUST adhere to typical Chowling anatomy and cannot be overly exaggerated.
  • Berserker designs cannot change in color and must retain the same markings and palette as the original form.
  • Existing traits like claws, horns, teeth, and eyes can be exaggerated during the transformation.
  • While body horror and gore elements are not allowed in berserker forms, additional limbs (such as extra heads, arms, legs, or tails) can be added during the transformation.
  • Additional traits can be added for free when a Chowling is in berserker form, but make sure they still fall within the trait guidelines.
  • A Chowling can grow up to x4 its original size when in berserker form. Their berserker form cannot be smaller than than their original form!

Parasite (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Parasite lineage, often referred to as "the Dying Lineage," is a rare and fading bloodline,—its traits scarcely pass on to new generations, edging it toward extinction. This lineage emerged from the harshest environments, evolving out of sheer necessity for survival. Parasitism within these spirits is triggered by intense emotions—when overwhelming feelings arise, the Parasite Chowling's body instinctively takes control, doing whatever is necessary to protect itself. This lack of control makes Parasites unpredictable.

Parasite Attributes
  • Overgrowth, Body Distortion or Fear Projection Ability
  • Anatomy Changing
Intense Emotions

Parasites possess an abilities deeply tied to their emotional state, with strong emotions such as joy, sadness, anger, or fear influencing its activation.
Positive emotions tend to trigger mild responses, whereas intense negative emotions are far more likely to provoke a powerful reaction.

Parasites can only inherit one of three distinct abilities, each manifesting differently based on the individual:

  • Overgrowth: This ability causes certain parts of the Chowling’s body to become overtaken by growths, which can be anything from plants, minerals, flora or even bodily tissue. The extent and type of growth vary greatly between individuals.
  • Body Distortion: Body distortion leads to a corruption of the Chowling’s form. This transformation can range from mildly unsettling to terror inducing. It may involve the addition of extra limbs, teeth, or eyes, or even complete morphing of their body into new and unsettling shapes. Both gorey and non-gorey forms of distortion are possible.
  • Fear Projection: Fear projection allows the Chowling to manifest an external creature or image based on their own fears or strong emotions. This ability is highly variable, with no fixed appearance, as it reflects whatever the individual Chowling fears most or is emotionally overwhelmed by.

Scholar (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Scholar lineage traces its origins to the world's largest and most ancient library, where knowledge and wisdom have been preserved for ages. Scholars are among the most gifted and intelligent of all spirits, devoting their lives to mastering a single skill or field of expertise.

Known for their diligence and unwavering dedication, these spirits embody the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. With an insatiable thirst for learning, Scholars continuously refine their craft, making them revered for their wisdom and hard work within the spirit world.

Scholars Attributes
  • Hobby Item
  • Floating Wing
Honed Skill

Each Scholar Chowling possesses a unique magical item that symbolizes the skill they have honed throughout their life. This item, crafted specifically for the Scholar, has the ability to float around them and can appear or disappear at will. The item can be acquired at any stage of the Chowling's life, and some Scholars may receive theirs early on, even before adulthood.

In addition to their hobby item, Scholars also obtain ethereal wings that float just above their body. Like the hobby item, these wings can appear and disappear at will.


The hobby item itself can take nearly any form, reflecting the Scholar's interests and passions, though final design approval is required to ensure it aligns with the character’s overall theme.

Siren (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Siren lineage is deeply tied to the mysteries of the sea, its origins rooted in a small coastal village where spirits lived in harmony with the ocean. These spirits possess the power of song, using their haunting melodies to control aquatic life. With voices that can both enchant and deceive, Sirens lure their prey from the depths. 

Siren Attributes
  • Clawed Webbed Feet
  • Visible Gills
  • Siren Song Ability
  • Siren Limb Shifting
Siren Song Ability

Sirens have the unique ability to control sea life through their voice, a power that has been central to their lineage since its inception. The Siren song—a tool perfected over generations—makes tasks like hunting for food far easier.

Whilst their melodies are powerful, the influence of the Siren song is limited to aquatic creatures—leaving other Chowlings and spirits unaffected by its magic.

Limb Shifting

Sirens have a unique ability known as Limb Shifting, allowing them to shapeshift the lower part of their body into an aquatic form. This transformation can take on many shapes, such as a serpent-like body, a fish tail, or even tentacles, depending on the individual Siren.

Claws & Gills

Sirens have specialized gills similar to other Chowlings, but with the added ability to breathe underwater.

In addition to their gills, Sirens have distinctive, chunky webbed claws, which differ from the sharp claws of Monster and Fighter lineages. They resemble crocodile limbs, having short nails and are designed for efficient swimming rather than combat.

Festival dragon (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Festival dragon
✨🏮Festival Dragon🏮✨

Festival Dragons carry more than 50% true dragon blood. Due to the near extinction of true dragons, these spirits are incredibly scarce. Their connection to their ancient ancestors grants them heightened powers related to their dragon heritage. These dragon's festival forms offer a glimpse of what true dragons once looked like.

Unlike Dragon Chowlings, Festival Dragons do not require the word "Dragon" in their theme! Their lineage speaks for itself, the need for thematic titles irrelevant while maintaining a deep connection to their true dragon roots.

Festival Dragon Attributes
  • All Dragon Attributes
  • Slightly Longer Torso than Dragon Chowlings
  • Festival Form
Festival Form

Festival Form and Festival Form Costumes hold special meaning for Festival Dragons, connecting them to their ancient dragon ancestry. Each Festival Dragon has a unique costume, crafted to represent a specific dragon from the past. These costumes aren't just decorative—they tell a story, linking the Festival Dragon to a piece of dragon history. WWhen a Festival Dragon dons their costume, they transform into their Festival Form, sometimes fooling even the most seasoned Chowlings into thinking dragons have returned!

While any Chowling can wear a dragon-themed costume, Festival Dragon costumes are different. Each one carries a rich history and personal significance, making it more than just a costume—it’s a powerful symbol of the dragon lineage and the stories of those who came before.

Medieval Fighters (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Medieval Fighters
💢⚔️Medieval Fighter⚔️💢

Medieval Fighters were the ancestors of today’s Fighters, built for tougher, real combat. In their time, they fought to protect their territory and survive, adapting to the harsh realities of battle. Unlike modern Fighters, who focus on martial arts and combat as a hobby, Medieval Fighters are warriors through and through—ready for war.

They often worked under the command of Dragons, acting as protectors and enforcers, making them far more battle-hardened than their modern counterparts.

Medieval to Modern

Medieval Fighters are the ancestors of modern Fighters, and their evolution is an interesting shift from raw power to refined technique. Back in the day, Medieval Fighters relied on their sickle claws, which were sharp, curved, and built for force. Their fighting style wasn’t about strategy—it was all about how quickly and effectively they could take someone down. Ambush tactics were common since the sickle claw favoured quick strikes over careful planning.

As time passed, the hand claw emerged. At first, it was considered a mutation, but it soon became more desirable. The hand claw allowed Fighters to incorporate technique and strategy into their combat, which wasn’t possible with the older sickle claw. It also became more popular aesthetically, leading to the hand claw becoming the new standard for modern Fighters.

While the modern hand claw offers more precision and versatility, the sickle claw of Medieval Fighters still holds its own in terms of sheer strength and sharpness. The old style may have been less polished, but it packed a force that’s hard to beat.

Medieval Fighter Attributes
  • All Optional Fighter Attributes
  • Raptor-like sickle claw on dominant foot

Phantom Marionette (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Phantom Marionette
🦊🕯️Phantom Marionette🕯️🦊

The first Phantom Marionettes were created by the spirit of death and given the important role of guiding souls to the afterlife. They were granted a special ability—to turn into a "phantom" by merging with a soul for a short time, giving them extra protection if they ever needed it. This power allowed them to safely fulfil their duties. Today, most Phantom Marionettes are simply descendants of those original spirits, carrying on the tradition of leading souls while still having the ability to become phantoms, just like their ancestors.

Phantom Marionette Attributes
  • All Marionette Attributes
  • Phantom Form
Phantom Form

Phantom Marionettes have the ability to merge with the soul inside their soul trinket, turning into a ghostly version of themselves. In this form, they take on a mix of their own traits and the traits of the soul they’ve merged with. This power was originally given to help protect them when they were collecting souls, which was a dangerous job back then. Nowadays, they don’t need the phantom form as much, but it’s still an interesting and strange ability that they can use in combat or for self-defense when needed.

Behemoth Monster (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Behemoth Monster
⛓️🦖Behemoth Monster🦖⛓️

The Behemoth Monster lineage is one of the oldest and rarest lineages in existence. These spirits were only born when necessary, called upon to protect and care for other spirits in times of great need. Unlike other monster lineages, Behemoth Monsters do not possess a berserker form. Instead, they have a powerful "guardian form," allowing them to transform into towering, skyscraper-sized creatures. This colossal is the epitome of their role as guardians, capable of immense strength and protection for those they were created to defend.

Behemoth Monsters Attributes
  • All Monster Attributes
  • Guardian Form
Guardian Form

Behemoth Monsters possess the ability to transform into towering, skyscraper-sized beings through their guardian form. This form was essential for defending their territory, as they were nearly unstoppable in this state, known for their overwhelming power. Similar to the berserker form, the visual changes in the guardian form must be minimal, though additional traits can be incorporated. However, maintaining this form during combat is highly draining, meaning Behemoth Monsters can only sustain it for a limited time while actively fighting or defending, making it a powerful but short-lived transformation.

Guardian Forms have the same guidelines as Berserker Forms.

Gen 0 Parasite (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Gen 0 Parasite
💉🧿GEN-0 Parasite🧿💉

Generation 0 (Gen-0) Parasites were created in the most difficult and harsh environments, making them the original ancestors of modern Parasites. What makes Gen 0 Parasites special is that they can’t simply be passed down—they have to be created. If a spirit faces extreme conditions, there’s a chance their offspring could be a Gen 0 Parasite, restarting the cycle of parasitism.

These original Parasites are the only ones that can naturally have parasite offspring, but over time, the strength of these genes has weakened, making it much rarer for Parasites to appear in future generations.

Parasite Attributes
  • Overgrowth, Body Distortion AND Fear Projection Ability
  • Anatomy Changing
Intense Emotions

These are three separate abilities, gen zero parasites have all three of them. These abilities can all be used together or separate from another.

Regal Scholar (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Regal Scholar
🖋️📚Regal Scholar📚🖋️

Regal Scholars are more closely connected to the original scholars of the ancient libraries. Unlike modern scholars, who no longer need to navigate the massive libraries their ancestors lived in, Regal Scholars have retained more of their ancestral traits. Their ancestors once used a "harpy form" to move through those vast spaces, gliding effortlessly between the rows of books, silently and swiftly.

Regal Scholars are highly skilled and respected, often serving royalty as a symbol of status and expertise.

Regal Scholar Attributes
  • All Scholar Attributes
  • Harpy form
Harpy Form
Regal Scholars have a special ability called the harpy form, which transforms them into bipedal creatures designed for speed and agility. Unlike many other lineage forms built for combat or defense, the harpy form is all about fast movement, climbing, and getting around quickly. While this form may appear strong and powerful, it actually makes the Chowling lighter and more nimble, allowing for greater agility but sacrificing strength in the process. It's a form built for tasks and travel, not for fighting.

Druids (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)


Druids are the original musician lineage, though their origins remain a mystery. What is known is that they share some ancestry with Sirens, making the two lineages related but very different.

Unlike Sirens, who use their songs to control sea creatures, Druids use their music to influence land animals—typically those found in forests. Their music has a special connection to nature, allowing them to live in harmony with the creatures around them.

DRUID Attributes
  • Musical Item
  • Limb Shifting
Musical Item
Each Druid has a musical instrument they choose, and this is where their power comes from. Unlike Sirens who use their voices, Druids use their instruments to influence land animals. They can’t control other spirits, only animals.
Limb Shifting

Druids have a special ability called limb shifting, which lets them change their front and back legs into different types of animal legs. They can switch to anything, like bird feet, hooves, or even something unusual like tentacles. They aren't limited to one type of limb and can change them whenever they want, making them really adaptable. This ability reflects their close bond with nature and the animals they live among.

Root (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)


What a mystery...

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