
Marionette (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Marionette lineage is often regarded as a ghostly lineage due to its deep connection with the realm of death. These enigmatic spirits are entrusted with the sacred task of guiding souls to the afterlife, acting as gentle shepherds for the deceased.


Despite their eerie and spectral nature, Marionettes are, at their core, peaceful beings. Their presence, though unsettling to some, symbolizes the quiet, compassionate care of souls transitioning from one realm to the next.

Marionette Attributes
  • Wisp Coat
  • Spirit Trinket
Wisp Coat

The Wisp Coat of a Marionette has a unique texture that shifts from tangible to ethereal.

At the base, the fur feels soft and solid to the touch, offering a sensation similar to fine silk or velvet. However, as you move toward the tips of the fur, it becomes increasingly translucent, and the texture changes to that of cool fog.


The tips are intangible—your hand will pass right through, unable to grasp them. Only the base of the coat, near the body, can be felt by bare hands, while the more spectral fur remains untouchable.

Spirit Trinket

Each Marionette possesses a unique trinket that holds the souls they guide, glowing faintly and often leaving a wispy trail as the Marionette moves.

Traditionally, these trinkets took the form of lanterns, but over time they have expanded to include a variety of meaningful items such as crystals, bells, jewelry, charms, toys, and more.


These trinkets are not given through any special ritual but are chosen by each Marionette based on personal experiences or significant life events. The Marionettes have the innate ability to convert their chosen item into a vessel capable of carrying souls.


Occasionally, a Marionette may choose to change its trinket—perhaps due to damage When switching trinkets, they can transfer any souls from the old vessel to the new one. However, souls that remain in a trinket for too long without proper guidance will eventually dim and fade, slowly dying out over time.

Phantom Marionette (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Phantom Marionette
🦊🕯️Phantom Marionette🕯️🦊

The first Phantom Marionettes were created by the spirit of death and given the important role of guiding souls to the afterlife. They were granted a special ability—to turn into a "phantom" by merging with a soul for a short time, giving them extra protection if they ever needed it. This power allowed them to safely fulfil their duties. Today, most Phantom Marionettes are simply descendants of those original spirits, carrying on the tradition of leading souls while still having the ability to become phantoms, just like their ancestors.

Phantom Marionette Attributes
  • All Marionette Attributes
  • Phantom Form
Phantom Form

Phantom Marionettes have the ability to merge with the soul inside their soul trinket, turning into a ghostly version of themselves. In this form, they take on a mix of their own traits and the traits of the soul they’ve merged with. This power was originally given to help protect them when they were collecting souls, which was a dangerous job back then. Nowadays, they don’t need the phantom form as much, but it’s still an interesting and strange ability that they can use in combat or for self-defense when needed.

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