
Monster (Lineage) (Chowling Subtype)


The Monster lineage, despite its ominous name, is a lineage of formidable protectors. These powerful, burly spirits possess immense physical strength, unmatched by any other Chowling.
Their true potential is realized in their ability to transform into an alternate state known as the “Berserker,” a form that unleashes their peak power.

Though their name may inspire fear, it is a reflection of their extraordinary might, not their nature. Monsters are revered as guardians, using their overwhelming strength to shield and defend, embodying both ferocity and protection in equal measure.

Monster Attributes
  • Long, non-retractable claws on each paw
  • Berserker form
  • Larger than average size (Large dog)
Berserker Forms

Monsters are most known for their powerful berserker forms, a larger version of their original Chowling design. While the transformation enhances their strength and may alter certain physical features, the core essence of their appearance remains recognizable.

Each berserker form is unique to the individual, reflecting their persona, yet all share a common theme of amplified power and presence. Though these forms vary from Chowling to Chowling, the berserker transformation consistently embodies the raw, unmatched strength that defines the Monster lineage.

Guidelines for Berserker Forms:
  • Berserker forms MUST adhere to typical Chowling anatomy and cannot be overly exaggerated.
  • Berserker designs cannot change in color and must retain the same markings and palette as the original form.
  • Existing traits like claws, horns, teeth, and eyes can be exaggerated during the transformation.
  • While body horror and gore elements are not allowed in berserker forms, additional limbs (such as extra heads, arms, legs, or tails) can be added during the transformation.
  • Additional traits can be added for free when a Chowling is in berserker form, but make sure they still fall within the trait guidelines.
  • A Chowling can grow up to x4 its original size when in berserker form. Their berserker form cannot be smaller than than their original form!

Behemoth Monster (Ancient) (Chowling Subtype)

Behemoth Monster
⛓️🦖Behemoth Monster🦖⛓️

The Behemoth Monster lineage is one of the oldest and rarest lineages in existence. These spirits were only born when necessary, called upon to protect and care for other spirits in times of great need. Unlike other monster lineages, Behemoth Monsters do not possess a berserker form. Instead, they have a powerful "guardian form," allowing them to transform into towering, skyscraper-sized creatures. This colossal is the epitome of their role as guardians, capable of immense strength and protection for those they were created to defend.

Behemoth Monsters Attributes
  • All Monster Attributes
  • Guardian Form
Guardian Form

Behemoth Monsters possess the ability to transform into towering, skyscraper-sized beings through their guardian form. This form was essential for defending their territory, as they were nearly unstoppable in this state, known for their overwhelming power. Similar to the berserker form, the visual changes in the guardian form must be minimal, though additional traits can be incorporated. However, maintaining this form during combat is highly draining, meaning Behemoth Monsters can only sustain it for a limited time while actively fighting or defending, making it a powerful but short-lived transformation.

Guardian Forms have the same guidelines as Berserker Forms.

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